Big K Versus Tha Dub C.
| Prev : 7-12-2002 : Next |

I've only been working for Copy Club for three days, and I've already noticed three major differences between Copy Club and Kinko's.

1. At Kinko's, customers come in asking for 500,000 copies in two hours. Okay, I'm exaggerating just a little bit. Sometimes they give us three hours. Regardless, people come into Copy Club and give us approximately three years to make two copies. And they don't even have to be that good, either. I could probably give the customers copies that aren't even theirs and they would still be happy.

2. At Kinko's, my manager has both the appearance (note the forehead) and demeanor of a Klingon warlord. He probably has some of those sharp curvy sword things hanging on his wall at home, which he regularly uses to beat his wife. Meanwhile, Reed, my manager at Copy Club, is, believe it or not, human, in that he is willing to interact with his employees, and God forbid, even the CUSTOMERS OH MY GOD AAAIIEEEEE.

3. At Kinko's, I make pretty bad money to work myself to death. We're talking like cheap immigrant labor here. Meanwhile, at Copy Club, I make considerably more money for updating my DiaryLand page.

Needless to say, I miss Kinko's whenever I drive by the old store.

But my aim is improving.


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