Hello, I'm Johnny Cash.
| Prev : 3-16-2003 : Next |

Hey everyone. Yeah, I'm alive. And I don't have anything too damned funny to say tonight, just because I sort of want to go home and drink a beer and play video games.

First of all, the main reason I'm not updating a whole hell of a lot lately is because I don't have Internet access yet at my apartment, which means I can only update at the parents' house. And while spending time at the parents' house can be almost as much fun as a kick in the nuts, it's not something I enjoy doing on a hugely regular basis.

The second, less-of-a-reason-than-the-main-reason-reason that I don't update much is that I'm hitting a big fat writer's block. This is also probably because I'm not at a computer with Internet access when I get my good ideas, which is when I'm on the john at home.

I just wanted to update while I was here to let everyone know that I AM in fact still alive, and I will not leave you far behind. Maybe Sum 41 would do something messed up like that, but not me.

Anyway, I love to hear from y'all. Drop me an e-mail, sign the guestbook, write me a note, just let me know what y'all are up to. Let me know YOU GUYS are still alive. I love my audience, and I just don't want my audience to give up on me and go to some piss-poor quality crap diary like Paul's (http://funkycracker.didaryland.com) as a cheap substitute.

And have faith, soon I'll have the Internet at home and I will enthrall you all with new tales of customer service hijinks at Fry's Electronics.

I love you Paul.

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