New Beginnings, New Fart Jokes.
| Prev : 2-6-2004 : Next |

Hey strangers.

So I moved out of Tweaker Towers, and I found myself a house with my good buddy Clifton, and now we live in peace and harmony. Except when him and his girlfriend fight, but we're making her pay rent soon so it's okay.

So anyway.

I now have a high speed Internet connection. And many bored nights. And all the porn you can download can only keep you entertained for so long. Which means I'm finally going to be exercising my mind again with this playful little site. No more one sentence entries in my hurried rush to get away from my parents' house, no more surveys for lack of better ideas when I sit down to write, no excuses. I'm back in it for the long haul.

So I know many of you have quit checking my little corner of the world for updates, because you're sure I withered away and died. But to the precious few who have been patiently waiting for me to pull my thirty-three-and-a-half pound head out of my anal orifice and once again begin composing variations of fart jokes in my little corner of DiaryLand, thank you for waiting. I hope it pays off.

Peace out my ni'a's.

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