Puke Goes The Roommate.
| Prev : 2-24-2002 : Next |

I walked by Paul's room tonight and he looked ill. At first I thought he was crying like a little bitch, because whenever I'm not around I'm pretty sure that's what he does. But this time it was a little more complex than that.

PAUL: "I think I gave myself food poisoning."

ME: "Okay..."

Last night Paul made burritos. Terrific. He makes good burritos. Last night he left the meat and beans out on the stove.

Strike 1.

Today, at least after 3:30 PM because that's when I saw it still sitting on the stove, and according to Leryn about 8:00, he decided he was hungry enough to eat it. After it had been sitting on the stove. MEAT AND BEANS SITTING ON THE STOVE FOR 24 HOURS YOU DUMB FUCKING IDIOT.

Strike 2.

The third strike is going to be when he hits his head on the toilet as he goes to puke, which I'm certain will be any minute.

I have no sympathy.

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