BJ, The Porno King Of Chapman
| Prev : 8-30-2001 : Next |

Okay, kids, here's another lesson to be learned from Big Daddy Spankbottom.

Always pick up after yourself.

A while back, my best friend and I purchased an "adult feature" for a few laughs (That's my story and I'm sticking to it). Well, we put it in the VCR in my room and watched it that night. Ha ha. Sigh. She went back to Phoenix and that was that. Story over.

Ha-HA! Just kidding, BJ!

Over the summer, friends who lived in far away places, such as Los Angeles, wanted Tyler and I to hold onto things for them so they wouldn't have to deal with them while they were away from Chapman. Well, for some stupid reason, everybody wants their stuff back now that they're at school again. Go figure.

So last week I come home from work and my TV is in the living room. That's odd, I wonder why...?

Oh, I see. Stuff has been moved so people can get their stuff back. Tyler's friends took their lamps back. JJ took his couch back that I was holding. I was keeping the couch in my room for him, and he wanted it back, so he came over and got it. Fair enough. Now I have more room for my stuff, like th----...


Uh, where's the VCR?

Oh, wait. Never mind. That's right, that wasn't my VCR. MY VCR is in the living room. THAT VCR belonged to Tyler's... friend...


Shit. So I grabbed the phone and called Tyler.

"Ty, when did you pick that VCR up?"

"This morning."

"Um, I still had something in there."

"Oh, okay, no problem, I can get it to you tomorrow."

"Was it your VCR?"

"No, it's my friend's."

"Well do you still have it???"

"No. Why? Do you need it tonight? Is it for a project?"

Yeah. You know me. I've been working on Project "Fucking Style" for a while.

So now everyone at Chapman's gonna think I'm the Porn King. Oh, look, there goes BJ, hey did you hear? All he watches is porno 24-7. Never even leaves his VCR. Or anyone else's VCR, for that matter.

Fucking porno. Next time my best friend can take it home with her. No one looks down on a girl with porno, it almost demands more respect for her uninhibitedness (Is that a word?)

What??? Addie watches porn? COOL! SHE ROCKS!

Maybe that's how they'll react to me too...

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